Parent-child Relationship|attachment|trauma|families|children

EP 15: Brainspotting and Trauma Treatment for Parents and Kids with Beth Wombough Medina, LMHC



This podcast is probably one of my most "mind-blowing" experiences because I am learning about a new therapy right along with you!  The wonderful Beth Wombough Medina is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Jacksonville Florida who practices Brainspotting Therapy to help adults and kids overcome the "stuck" traumas that their brains and bodies remember but have a hard time expressing!  She actually goes through a wonderful exercise with me that shows me how Brainspotting is effective and how it works!    In today's podcast we go over: What Brainspotting is Trauma and stuck memories Brainsotting and how it works in adults and kids A Brainspotting experiement with me! Attachment Traumas and Parents Recognizing the rupture between body and mind - and how Brainspotting helps recognize these and helps you let them go Don't forget to register for the Early Childhood Trauma and Attachment Workshop I am hosting in October 2018 in Jacksonville FL. More info and to register go visit the website here: Early Bird Regi