Nion Radio With Nick Onken

144: Chris Lee – How to Cultivate Creativity and Abundance



Once you have the why, the how shows up. Today I am talking about creativity and abundance with my friend and transformational coach Chris Lee. Chris trains high level executives, entrepreneurs, CEOs, artists, musicians, and so many more, and he has trained a lot of buddies of mine. Chris has some amazing insights into how we hold ourselves back and what we can do to rid ourselves of barriers to create the life and career we want. We know that emotional intelligence is the key to creating a strong mindset, and mindset is the biggest key to success: your thoughts create your actions which create your results, so if we can learn how to better control and create the thoughts that we want, we’ll create a bigger and better lifestyle. An all around amazing, fun, energetic guy, Chris’s mission is to serve the world and create transformation from within. Listen in as we talk about creativity, abundance, ego, generosity, gratitude, and so much more.  We’re all artists of something. Everyone has the creative means to