Hooray Weekly

Light Out of Darkness



Feeling a bit anxious in these dark and tumultuous times? You're not alone! Listen in as Lee Ann shares two stories from her Icelandic travels that speak to the hope and light that we all need. It is the season of hope, light and expectation after all! From Lee Ann: Dear, dear Hooray Family and Friends, May you know that my love and gratitude are with you during these holidays (whether you celebrate Hanukkah, Solstice, Kwanzaa or Christmas or something altogether different and unique)! In fact, I hope you know that I send you love every day, not just the holidays and celebratory times. You are special indeed. (Do you know that to be true? If not, I must continue to remind you.) I am coming up on an anniversary...It will be a YEAR of publishing the Hooray Weekly in a few weeks! Yahoo! Thank you for listening and sharing the podcast with others. There is much on the horizon for this podcast and this community of progressive seekers. I will be doing interviews of spiritual teachers, peace-makers, poets and l