Hooray Weekly

Spirituality as the Unseen Made Visible



Today we hear a story, a children's song, a poem and some wisdom about the meaning of spirituality. Spirituality is not a "to-do" in our lives, but more like a "TA-DA"! We make the invisible, visible in our lives. Join Lee Ann as she shares her weekly dose of love. And by all means, please feel free to write and share your thoughts. You can reach her by clicking HERE.   Resources to Renew: Poem found in the Reconstructionist's Mahzor by William Saroyan, Aremenian-American playwright and novelist:   In the time of your life, live—so that in that good time there shall be no ugliness or death for yourself or for any life your life touches. Seek goodness everywhere, and when it is found, bring it out of its hiding place and let it be free and unashamed. Place in matter and in flesh the least of the values, for these are the things that hold death and must pass away. Discover in all things that which shines and is beyond corruption. Encourage virtue in whatever heart it may have been driven into secrecy