Beyond Logic

Episode 22: Psychic Young Adults Edition - Starring Aaron Naughton



Aaron ‘The Medium’ Naughton is one of the youngest clairvoyant mediums in the UK, who has devoted his life to the Spirit World for the past 13 years. Aaron began his journey at the age of 13 upon discovering that his mother and his grandfather were mediums and active members of their local Spiritualist church. It was at this moment that Aaron realized that he too had the ability to sense the World of Spirit and since then, Aaron has tirelessly worked to connect those who have passed on, with us here. In March 2018, Aaron received the award of “outstanding medium in speaking and demonstrating of 2018” by the Northern District of the Spiritualists’ National Union, through his work in private sittings and public demonstrations across more than 50 spiritual centers in the UK. Aaron hopes to continue bringing comfort to as many people as he can in the future and encouraging people to achieve the best that they can.