New Thinking New Power With Dr. Paula

Episode 19 - Create a New Community



Episode 19 "Create a New Community" is the 2nd part of the SPRING FORTH - DO SOMETHING NEW series. In this episode, I offer you the suggestion of creating a new community when you don't quite know WHAT new thing to do. In an earlier podcast, I stated that when you look at the quality of your current situation and don’t quite like what you like – you need to try something new.  Let me give you a suggestion of what new thing you can do to improve the quality of your situation.  CREATE A NEW COMMUNITY!!  That’s right, create a new community!   I didn’t say dump your old friends for new ones. I mean find someone, someone new, or maybe a few NEW people who are like-minded, who are forward-thinking, people who are aligned with your goals and aspirations.  When you connect with someone new for the purpose of propelling your life forward, here’s what happens, you will begin to see, hear, and experience new ideas, new achievements, and new success.   Make sure you follow me on social media: Instagram: @drpaulacoach Fa