Stemcell Solutions

Danielle - Another Stem Cell Success Story #5



Danielle was a just a regular person, but she had severe chronic back pain. In fact it got to the point where she spent much of each day in a wheelchair.  The pain made it the only way she could move around. She had never even heard of a stem cell. Luckily for her, she was visiting New You Medical on a different matter where she encountered Dr. Giuseppe Paese. He explained how stem cells could possibly help her condition. Danielle was desperate and at the end of her rope. At just 34 years old, she felt her life was closing in. She had the procedure and the results were nothing short of miraculous. In just 2 days the pain dramatically subsided and within several weeks she was walking around without her wheelchair living a normal life.  Can stem cell therapy work for you? There's only one way to find out call Dr. Paese at 800-420-2689 or go to to find out more.