Galactic Inspiration

Welcome to Episode # 2 - Jump!



Richard Prior the wonderful comedian who made it during the most racist times in the USA said: That to be successful in life, you will have to jump. He means that you have to take a leap of faith. Richard prior makes a great point becase unless you take a risk you wont even have a chance to win. Richard mentions that after you jumo your parachute will not open right away. And you will see other people whose parachute already opened and they are just gliding happily but you are still falling. Don't give up. Yes you can... We are all our worst enemies.. and it is true because sadly we often do what is called self sabotage. It means that you stop yourself by allowing fear to take over. So, many people stay in their confort zones. When I jumped off that platform head first - James Bond style.. I had to tell every single survival instinct .. that kept saying no.. to go f.... them selves.. And I jumped. I get that same feeling.. when I get up in the morning.. and my body tell me.. we should hit sn