
Cameron-Brooks Podcast: Episode 50 – Can Your Attitude Really Determine Your Altitude?



When it comes to your career, can your attitude really determine your altitude? We talked to Abby Horvath, a Cameron-Brooks alumna and manufacturing manager at Ethicon, one of the largest operating companies within Johnson & Johnson. A former Army MEDEVAC pilot who transitioned into a team leadership role as a manufacturing supervisor, Abby has occupied many different roles across her organization in just five short years. In this podcast episode, she explains how she did it. In some ways, Abby found working for Johnson & Johnson to be lot like working in the Army. But one of the biggest differences she noticed is her ability now to have control over her career. Abby impressed me when she explained the steps she took in her career progression. Her approach should be natural to JMOs starting a new career in a new industry. But, unfortunately, the humble attitude she took when starting out is not always the attitude JMOs start with. One thing she said that particularly stuck out to me is, "You don't get succe