Play To Find Out

Combat: Sport Vs. War



When we play combat scenarios in our game, the scenes often fall on a spectrum. On one side, we have the sporty style of play, where encounters are balanced and the PC's can think on their feet and improvise. On the other side, we have a more war-minded approach, in which victory is earned by meticulous planning and through unflinching, ruthless tactics. Today, Eamon and Arthur discuss some of the ways this spectrum appears in Dungeon World, and the simple ways to embrace both ends. If you want to hear a bit more about combat as sport vs war, check out the excellent video from Web DM linked below! Relevant links: Combat as War or Sport? By Web DM (great video that inspired a lot of this conversation) Into the Odd by Chris McDowall (check out the sidebar of this blog for links to paid and free version) Thanks to John Gilmore for the music featured on the show, and to the DW Discord's am_draw for our title art.