
Episode 12 - Consent



Episode Notes "I'm worried about a generation of individuals who don't know how to say no" - Briana Please check back, a visual reference of the alignment chart will be posted soon. Larry has a gas of a time hyping his new diet. He's eating mostly plant-based food and feels fantastic. Following the intro, Larry moves on to detailing the Clarity™ Feminist Alignment system. He adapts this approach from Dungeon & Dragons and explains how it organizes people into different categories of behavior. For the interview segment, Larry sits down with Briana who is a student affairs educator at a university and works with students on issues concerning sexual assaults on college campuses. Larry and Briana discuss a variety of topics including approaches universities are taking to tackle this issue and what primary or highschool educators can do to help prepare students for college and adult life. Please send any questions or comments directly to Larry: Support Clarity by donating to th