Super Nerd Pals

KHAOS 3.5 HD E3 2018 ReMIX



What's this? An episode of Kingdom Hearts and Other Stuff airing on a Friday instead of Wednesday? And before two weeks have passed?? "What is this madness???," I hear you asking yourself. Rest assured, there has been no schedule change. Episode 4 is still coming out next Wednesday as planned. This is just a special episode of KHAOS that we've recorded for E3, as there was no way we'd pass up the opportunity to gush about the THREE new Kingdom Hearts III trailers that dropped during the event, plus something about a release date. My long-time friend and fellow Kingdom Hearts enthusiast (to put it lightly) Katherine Bullard joins me for the chat as we break down each of the new trailers and pick them apart, commenting on our favorite or less-than-favorite moments. Not only that, but we also discuss the Square Enix E3 2018 Showcase and all it had (and didn't have) to offer. Katherine doesn't really have an online presence, so there's nowhere to follow her, but you can still follow me, your Kingdom Hearts con