Karate Tournaments Tips And Tricks

Tip 42, Is it wrong to stretch the rules or is it cheating?



I want to continue to this discussion I want your input as competitors and fighters on your view, you can record something not being on the pod cast or certainly send me an e-mail with your comments and your view. In today's podcast I'm going to look at a rather large subject, many people believe that stretching the rules is a good thing and just as many believe it is basically cheating. Today I'm going to go into this a little bit more deeply and give you something to think about. Things like: "are you using the rules to the maximum benefit", "if someone deliberately does a foul and then is happy to take a penalty point is this cheating?", "Should you win at all costs or play fairly", "if the rules don't cover a certain situation such as striking at the guard is this cheating?", "His sledging somebody during a fight cheating, beneficial or just plain bad sportsmanship". I go into all these questions in a rather deep way giving you some positives and negatives for each and then give you my personal opinion