Karate Tournaments Tips And Tricks

Tip 30, How and why to demoralise your oppositions technique.



When it comes to competition fighting, to win we must use every available strategy available to us. It's great to be able to initiate an attack or do great counter-attacks but sometimes our opposition may have or may seem to have fantastic weapons. Or in other words there kicks and/or punches just seemed to be fantastic. So how do we deal with this? In this tip I explain how to pick a technique and destroy the oppositions willingness to use them no matter how good they are. These techniques are not easy to do and certainly take courage and heaps of practice but if you can master them is a fantastic way to gain the upper hand on someone that has good or great technique. If you have any other comments or questions please don't hesitate to e-mail me my e-mail is, scott@pollets.com.au