Data Journeys

#10: Jure Leskovec - Chief Scientist of Pinterest



Jure Leskovec is the Chief Scientist of Pinterest, an $11 billion dollar company hosting over 75 billion idea “pins” from it’s 175 million monthly users worldwide. Jure originally arrived at Pinterest in 2014 when his company, Kosei, was acquired after starting a “recommendation revolution” through smarter, personalized mobile ads.  When Jure is not “turning cameras into keyboards” at Pinterest -- Fast Company’s “2nd most innovative AI company” -- he can also be found fulfilling his responsibilities as a: Associate Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University - where his research focuses on mining and modeling large social and information networks, including relationship graphs and chain effects in online community settings Investigator at the Chan-Zuckerberg Biohub - a multidisciplinary research organization on a mission to make all diseases preventable, manageable or curable by the year 2100 Some favorite topics we covered include: How being Pinterest’s Chief Data Scientist has affected his own s