Beyond Logic

Episode 29: Starring Rhonda Harris



Rhonda Harris-Choudhry has been utilizing her psychic gifts since she was a child. She’s the author of, You Are Not Broken, a book designed to help people identify and understand their own psychic abilities, how to clean up their energy and defeat the subconscious behaviorisms that keep them from living the life of their dreams. Rhonda has made it her mission to empower people through energy work and psychic development. She offers spiritual counseling, energy healing, readings, past life regressions and advanced psychic and healing training to practicing Light Workers and Metaphysicians. She helps beginners to pinpoint and enhance their abilities as well as helping seasoned Light Workers to hone their skills. She is the founder and co-host of Witch Times Television and the Super Human Revolution shows on her YouTube channel where she also gives tutorials on raising psychic abilities, magic, energy work and healing. She’s also a Goddess High Priestess, hosting the Goddess Spirituality Online Temple meetup gr