That's So Maven By The Healthy Maven

Episode 66: Japanese Wellness, Radical Authenticity + Overcoming Failure with Candice Kumai



You know those people who are fiercely honest? Who hold nothing back in the most authentic, human way? Allow me to introduce you to Candice Kumai, the epitome of these traits. Candice is someone who I have admired from afar both for her compassion and willingness to grow but also because she doesn't glaze over the hard stuff. I'll be honest, I'm about to quote from a Queer Eye episode I watched this weekend but the sentiment resonates exactly with who Candice is: "Failure is not the opposite of success, it's a part of it". Candice has hard her fair share of failures but all of them 100% contributed to her success. Thank you Karamo for that nugget of wisdom! Candice has written many books and cookbooks on the art of wellness, but her latest book and venture is a total departure from her previous writing. After a trip to Japan last year for her Grandmother's passing, she dove deep into the art of Japanese wellness and from this she's sharing what she's learned in her latest book, Kintsugi Wellness and her new p