
Cameron-Brooks Podcast: Episode 53 – Why Conduct a Personal Marketability Assessment with Cameron-Brooks?



Cameron-Brooks' mission is to help JMOs reach their potential and dreams.  The path to get there starts with understanding goals, values, and strengths.  The Personal Marketability Assessment with Cameron-Brooks (PMA) is a proven resource to help JMOs identify these career drivers.  During this session, an experienced Cameron-Brooks Recruiter asks JMOs specific questions to help them reflect on, evaluate, and verbalize their thoughts on these areas.  It is a powerful exercise to help JMOs make the best decision about their future whether that is continuing with a military career, transitioning to business, or pursuing some other endeavor.  The Personal Marketability Assessment also lays the foundation for how JMOs should prepare and what to focus on, if they do decide to pursue business. In this podcast, Cameron-Brooks alumnus Bob Schultz describes how his Personal Marketability Assessment with Cameron-Brooks Partner Joel Junker helped him clarify his goals and set him on a path for a successful career with