Super Nerd Pals

KHAOS 6: Kingdom Hearts and Skyrim



At the end of the day my goal with Kingdom Hearts and Other Stuff is to convince more people to play Kingdom Hearts, and in episode 6 I talk to my first official convert: my cousin Robert. He's been listening to the show since it started in May and has since picked up a copy of Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX, and it readying himself to kick things off at the very beginning, so I give him some tips and pointers to start his journey. Somewhere in the conversation he decides that since I have convinced him to play Kingdom Hearts, he wants to talk me into playing *his* favorite game - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Does he convince me? WHO KNOWS. Well, I know. And you can too, by listening to this episode! Robert doesn't have an online presence to follow, but he'll be back in the future as he completes each game for the first time, to give us his thoughts and impressions. Man, I wish I could play these games for the first time again.