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BECOME SUPER-HUMAN BY TRANSFORMING YOUR GUT! Overcome Chronic Disease + Meditation! Dr. Rodney Dietert | Health | Self-Help



If you’ve ever struggled with disease, illness, an auto-immune disorder or allergy, then do we have the super-organism show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Rodney Dietert, professor of immunotxicology at Cornell University, and author of Strategies for Protecting Your Child’s Immune System and Immunotoxicity, Immune Dysfunction and Chronic Disease, and his latest book, which I couldn’t put down, The Human Superorganism. And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, what’s our microbiome and how it’s revolutionizing the pursuit of a healthy life. That plus we’ll talk about giant-pouched rats, cliff the dog, the power of dark chocolate, why germ free mice are antisocial, the importance of a giraffe’s neck, and what a dog’s obsession with doves has to do with anything! Microbiome Health, Self-Help, and Self-Improvement Topics Include: How he went from a dream to this book. How he ended up in the documentary microbirth What happened to him at a conference in Germany How he went from 30 years on antibio