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HOW TO FIND MORE TIME IN YOUR DAY! CJ Liu | Inspiration | Motivation | Meditation | Spirituality | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever been short on time, not had enough time, or felt at wit’s end to find the time, then do we have the time finding show for you! Today we’ll be talking about making time, finding time, getting more efficient with your time, plus finding the time to breathe. That plus rolling research, dancing in the rain, schedule flips, trips to Taiwan, and what in the world podcast launch accelerators have to do with anything. Making time, finding time, and finding the time to breathe What’s misplaced ‘doing’ energy look like and how does it affect our psyche, and our career What it means to change your schedule in your career or life What does a shift in the weather do to people What does a Podcast Launch Accelerator have to do with anything? What does changing your diet do to you – what’s the ripple effect? Why different locations – geographically, have different energies What we can learn from Tommy Rosa and Health Revelations on Heaven and Earth Why the woo-hoo works for some, and not for others. Why there