Beckett To The Future - A Quantum Leap Podcast

Episode 54 - S3E4 - One Strobe Over the Line



In this episode we are joined by Dave Stone Robb to discuss one of the most important Quantum Leap related issues we’ve yet to come across: when making ramen noodles, what does “too brothy” mean to you? Sam has leapt into the world of high fashion and daaaamn is he making that white denim work for him. Important lessons we learn include, drugs do not make you young and/or beautiful and don’t splash champagne in a lion’s face - no matter how well trained you think it is. We have a contest going on! Do you actually *like* the movie Road House?? (Why? It’s so bad, says Rachel.) So you want to win Rachel’s DVD? Mint condition! Only viewed once! Write us a review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes! We will pick our favorite at the end of the month and send you the most roundhouse kickingest movie around. Contribute to our Patreon: Or visit our website: Email us: Lastly, visit our Facebook group: