Ham Radio Workbench Podcast

HRWB058-Portable Repeaters for Emergency Situations



This week we are joined by Rob KA2PBT and Evan KD2IZW to talk about building creative solutions to post emergency or disaster communications problems. Rob is engaged with his local high-school and has been working with youth to engage them in hands-on engineering and problem-solving using amateur radio. Evan is a former student who lead a team to design and build a balloon launched cross-band repeater for search and rescue purposes. He presented this project at the 2017 Dayton Youth Forum. He shares with us the components utilized in the repeater and the processes that he went through to design and build a solution. Rob continues to work with students today and he shares with us the most recent project-a portable solar-powered digipeater meant to handle text-based traffic in remote disaster areas with no infrastructure. Along the way, Rob also shares some of his tips on how to get youth interested in amateur radio. Our Website - http://www.hamradioworkbench.com/ Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/hamw