The Tony Moze Podcast

Relationships INFLUENCE Your Talent



Relationships INFLUENCE Your Talent - Talent Is NEVER Enough (episode 12) ------------------------------------- Book written by John C. Maxwell - Available on Amazon and Audible! ------------------------------- "In his book 'My Personal Best, John Wooden write, "There is a choice you have to make in everything you do, so keep in mind that in the end, the choice you make makes you.' Nowhere is this more evident than in your relationships. Nothing will influence your talent as much as the important relationships in your life. Surround yourself with people who add value to you and encourage you, and your talent will go in a positive direction. Spend time with people who constantly drain you, pull you in the wrong direction, or try to knock you down, and it will be almost impossible for your talent to take flight. People can trace the successes and failures in their lives to their most significant relationships." - John C. Maxwell ------------------------------------- To see/watch more of my content, go to: 1.) F