Josh Rod

Pokemaniacs 6- The Rotations Part One



Wait- Part One??? Yeah, the rotations is quite a big subject, so one manageable podcast is not enough, but I will finish it- one ramble-filled hour at a time. So, I have been getting a lot of updates from anchor recently, and my podcast is now available on: Castbox, Radio FM, Google podcasts and, most notably, ITunes!!! I can't believe it either! They are still free, of course. And, if downloaded, you can ask siri to play it! My podcasts are also now available on youtube, under the username 'The Pokemaniacs'. Anyway, quick question, do you guys think I should start a blog? I know it sounds weird, but I think it would be pretty cool, and it would mean I could post content sooner. Anyway, let me know if I'm talking crazy. Email me at if you want to contact me about this, or about anything for that matter. Put 'Subscribe' in the subject line to get notified of every new podcast. Anyway, thanks for watching and see you guys in the next podcast!!