Latinx Therapy

When La Chancla Crosses the Line



La chancla, which refers to a flip flop in Spanish, is a cultural discipline style that has evolved to be very symbolic. La chancla can also refer cords, cables, the belt, hangers, any item that can be used to inflict pain as a punishment. Often, it is also a trigger word and is a form of child abuse. In this special 1-hour sesión, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Maritza Plascencia shares her personal experience with la chancla, and dives deeper with her professional knowledge about the generational differences of la chancla, the use of it in schools, when discipline crosses the line, when professionals and people need to report, why it is used and what people can do instead.  You can find more about Maritza at  Instagram: @MindfulQuestRC Facebook: Mindful Quest Counseling Resources: ChildHelp: is a nonprofit dedicated to helping victims of child abuse, neglect and at-risk children. ChildWelfare: is a governme