Super Nerd Pals

SNP 51 - Super All-New Katsu Pals



Once more, the horrific, eldritch realm that is the SNP Ghost Dimension has taken Andy away temporarily – but fret not, Stan and Chris will prevail! Join our heroes as we muse about Jon Hamm’s takeover of the Marvel universe, how Stan broke his infamous Zelda gaming curse, Chris’ adventures at Katsucon 2016, and why you should be reading All-New Wolverine right this very second! Be sure to check out and support our wonderful friend of the show Ryan and her co-host, Rey, with their brand new show - Cannibalism and Coffee! Take a listen and if you enjoy what they did give them a like, rate, subscribe, and share with your friends! You can find Ryan and Rey on Twitter at @The_Red_Horror & horrordumaurier, and the podcast’s official Twitter at @CoffeewCannibal! You can also email them at, or find them on tumblr at, or on Instagram at cannibalism_coffee. The podcast is available on Soundcloud so check it out and subscribe: