Super Nerd Pals

SNP 42 - Super Jessica Jonesing



EDIT: Our apologies! With our original upload, there was an technical error so the original file stopped at 1:17 and didn't feature our all-star Jessica Jones discussion. The upload has been updated with the complete mp3 file of the podcast. Sorry for the inconvenience, and enjoy! Once again, the ghost dimension has taken away Andy as tribute! But coming to our rescue is our special guest host & friend of the show - Ryan! Join our heroes, Stan, Chris, and Ryan as we rage against the machine that is the 6 dollar book, discuss who has the better butt - Bucky or Nightwing, discover how Luke Skywalker is solely responsible for putting Jawas on the endangered species list, and finally - our critical analysis of the smash hit that is Marvel / Netflix's Jessica Jones!!! +++ You can find our podcast on iTunes, Soundcloud, Google Play and Stitcher!