Ask Julie Ryan

EPISODE 101 - Phantom Pink Dove



This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, psychic and medical intuitive Julie talks with lots of callers about a wide variety of questions. A woman from California asks Julie to do a medical scan on her because a family member had recently been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. The caller wants to make sure she did not have it too. Then, another caller asks Julie to help her access her spirit guides to get advice about a potential move to a new city. A woman from Washington asks Julie to scan her for Candida yeast overgrowth, and another caller asks Julie to scan her college baseball player son to see if his toe is broken. A man from New Hampshire calls to let Julie and everyone listening know the healings Julie did on his son in a private session were very effective and to see if another son would let Julie scan him. A Kansas City caller asks Julie to access past lives to look for a behavior pattern that matches her current life experiences and another woman asks Julie to communicate with her deceased grandmother w