Ham Radio Workbench Podcast

HRWB060-Introduction to Networking and Security



Most of us have several devices connected to the Internet in our Ham Shacks.  A computer, a digital mode hotspot, and a Raspberry Pi are several common items one would find.  We may not give much thought to these devices because affordable commercially available equipment make it a breeze to connect devices to each other and the Internet.  But, have you ever stopped to think whether your hotspot should have network access to the computer you do your taxes on? This week Nick KN6NK and Smitty KR6ZY join us to give an introduction to basic networking topics and a primer on basic but powerful practices to secure our networks in the ham shack and beyond.   Nick KN6NK - https://twitter.com/explodinglemur?lang=en Smitty KR6ZY - https://twitter.com/smittyhalibut Our Website - http://www.hamradioworkbench.com/ Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/hamworkbench Contact us for feedback and ideas - http://hamradioworkbench.com/contact Connect with us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/hamradioworkbench/ B