Super Nerd Pals

KHAOS 12: Kingdom Hearts & EDM & D&D



In episode 12 of Kingdom Hearts and Other Stuff, I chat with another member of the Nerd Pals Network family, Chris Samson! He's a co-host on both Super Nerd Pals and Left for Dread. Even with all that he's found the time to come on my show to talk about his love for electronic dance music in light of the news that Skrillex will be collaborating with Utada Hikaru for Kingdom Hearts III's main theme song. Not satisfied with just a single topic, Chris also delves into his deep love for tabletop RPG gaming. I share my recent first experience with D&D, and he tells me all about another podcast he listens to called Interstitial, where the players take on the roles of keyblade wielders in their own fantasy world. It's a long, entertaining ride, so come have a listen! You can find Everglow's Kingdom Hearts Timeline project on YouTube, right here: The Interstitial Kickstarter, which has ended but has the details of the game for those