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Can /can't, clothes vocabulary, phrasal verb 'to set off' - AIRC7



Las notas del episodio   Let's get cracking! = ¡Vamos a empezar!   Gramática:  Can / can't Can I ask you a question? You can speak Spanish. Reza can speak a bit of Valencian. Can you play any musical instruments? - Yes, I can. Can, like could, should, would, may etc son modal verbs (verbos modales). El can se puede emplear para hablar de la habilidad y también para pedir las cosas "Can I have....?) Can I have a biscuit? Can I have a cup ñof tea? Can I help you?   John can be quite cold sometimes. (possibility) It can be wet in Valncia sometimes. (possibility) This postcard can't be from Bob. (impossibility)   Practicar el 'can' para pedir las cosas aquí: http://www.mansioningles.com/nc_lec04_3.htm   Vocabulay Corner: Clothes Reza is wearing jeans and a very nice striped short. Craig is wearing nice linen shorts. trousers (UK) / pants (US). pants (UK) / shorts (US), waistcoat (UK) / vest (US), panties (US) / knickers (UK), tights (UK) / pantyhose (US),  to wear (llevar puesto) "He's wearing a blue coat" / to p