Ask Julie Ryan

Episode 128 – Circle of Willis



This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, psychic and medical intuitive Julie gets to chat with a lot of callers about a multitude of topics. A woman from Washington asks Julie to scan her to see if she has an aneurysm in the Circle of Willis section of her brain. What Julie discovers and the healing she watches are remarkable. Another caller asks Julie to communicate with her pet chickens to find out why they are behaving erratically and when Julie scans a New Orleans woman, she sees chest congestion and removes the irritants. A couple of callers want career advice and a gal from New York asks Julie if blizzards will cripple the City this winter. A realtor asks if her current deal will close and a woman who lost her hearing aid wants to know if it’ll ever be found. As usual, Julie provides lots of suggestions and insights based on the psychic information she accesses and receives. The show is fascinating and fun. Also, to show her appreciation to all her listeners, Julie