Craft-ish Podcast With Vickie Howell

#44: Avery Trufelman, Host of Articles of Interest



This week Vickie's guest is Avery Truffleman, the producer and host of Articles of Interest, a 6-part series within the podcast, 99% Invisible. Vickie came across this series through an ad within one of the NPR podcasts she listens to, and binge listened to it straight away. In each episode of the series, Avery dives head into the history behind everything from pockets and denim, to plaid and punk rock fashion. Through a series of expert interviews and witty conversations, she brings life to the history of some of our fashion staples. Listen to hear about the series, how becoming a radio broadcaster/producer differs now from 20 years ago, and some of the fascinating stories behind the creation of Articles of Interest! Show notes: Rate & Review us on Apple Podcasts!