The Entrepreneur Unleashed With Patti Keating

ep #20 Joe WIlliams



Joe Williams shares his journey working as the Head Trainer for Tony Robbins. He reveals what he has learned in his experience about the power of speaking and how he built his own business in alignment with his deepest passion. Joe is the owner of The Creative Performance Group and a Master Trainer for Robbins International for over 25 years. Today we will hear what it is like to teach people the power of impact and why how you present yourself will close the biggest deals in your life. Inspiration: Joe was and is inspired by the power of speaking. Challenge: Getting over my own ego, after having success at an early age. Passion: Joe is passionate about helping people improve their presentation, negotiation and speaking skills through his Speakers Boot Camps. To learn more about his work visit his facebook page at JoeBWlliams. Advice:  "The Ultimate resource is resourcefulness" - Tony Robbins Entrepreneurs Resource: Moleskin and Pen Blogs, Books & Podcasts: I Love Marketing with Joe Polish and Dean Jackso