Off The Hookah With Phil And Cooper

Episode #080: Rockin' and Rollin' in the Anatolian (feat. Gokhan Yucel)



Turkish rock, also known as Anadolu rock, is witnessing a rebirth as a new generation of Turks and even Western audiences discover a genre of music that defined Turkey in the 1960s and 1970s but had faded away…until now. Phil and Cooper talk about the history of rock music in Turkey and speak with Gokhan Yucel who, through his Anatolian Rock Revival Project, is on the forefront of reintroducing Turkey’s legendary rockers to the world. Good luck getting these songs out of your head. Anatolian Rock Revival Project (YouTube) Can Turkish psychedelic music go global? (Kenan Sharpe) Anatolian Rock Playlist by Al-Monitor (Spotify) Music: Cem Keraca - "Emrah" (Spotify | iTunes)