Journeythroughthegate's Podcast

Ep. 39 Denial of Justice: Dorothy Kilgallen, JFK, Ruby, & Oswald. The Shocking End of a Reporter,that is Just Beginning to Come to Light!



A respected and admired reporter, who fought for justice for so many through her remarkable natural talents for deductive reasoning, and her learned ability to fight through the toughest struggles of being a woman reporter in the 40s, 50s, and 60s, in a mans world of violence, corruption and greed. Ms. Kilgallen did it with Hootzspah, she did it with style and she did it with Grace, and quite remarkably, she did it in heels! Dorothy was a loving mother, a forgiving wife, a winning panelist on the famed What's My Line television series for years. Gaining the admiration of her co panelists, and a nation that watched as she unraveled the occupations of the guests with meticulously thoughtful questioning and a style all her own. Dorothy wore many hats in her life. Socialite, Court Room observer, Gossip Columnist, a creator of movies that gave honorable, smarter rolls to woman, and even had a hand in a ground breaking morning radio show that was a favorite nation wide.  As bright a star as hers shown, the darkness