Authors Read Podcast

Episode 11: Leslie Peters reads from Finding Time to Lead: Seven Practices to Unleash Outrageous Potential



If you're struggling to find time in your day to do the “leadership stuff” you know you should be doing, this book is for you. Whether you're a CEO, a manager, or an individual contributor who wants to make a difference, Finding Time to Lead will provide you with perspectives and tools to maximize your capacity to lead. Drawing from more than twenty years of experience working side-by-side with leaders of new organizations and new leaders in established companies, Leslie Peters offers a framework of clear and concise shifts, practices, and tools to put you in the fast lane toward becoming the leader you want to be. What does it take to be a good leader? Are there shortcuts? How can you prioritize the limited time you have available for all of this “leadership stuff”? What should you spend your time on that will help you build a culture that will attract and keep great people? You'll learn about five specific skill sets that shape great leaders: Identify and quickly access the powerful places from which y