Tete & Espresso

Diversity - Black vs White - Monday - 039



“It doesn’t matter if you’re black or white. Eeheee” ...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. There is so much diversity in the world, let’s do a week’s theme on it, with today’s topic on Black & White people. I am of African decent...And so are you...Go ahead, get your genes checked. Your mother’s mitochondria DNA leaves genetic tracers that give us a lineage, alllll the way back to our origins. That’s why I like to say, if “we are made in the likeness of God,” then God is either Black, or going back further, a Monkey, even further a fish, or God is Bacteria... If you look at Black people in different countries around the world, they are soooo different! Kenya to London..And come on, a white person from Switzerland and sooooo different than a white person from Luisiana...And in America, a there is a huge difference between Black Americans, and hood culture. Which pop culture has liked to blend into Black culture. Not cool Ma’an. That lack of understanding in society has left a g