Diamond Factory

2019 - 01 - 08 Royal Crown Diamond Melissa Poepping



OurSimpleTraining.com MONDAY NIGHT CALL Creating Your Most ICONIC Year in 2019, Royal Crown Diamond Melissa Poepping! Every New Year’s eve, we set BIG goals for breaking through glass ceilings and reaching new ranks and yet…. still fall short of these admirable aspirations? Silver to Platinum, Gold to Diamond, Platinum to Royal Crown Diamond, only be frustrated 12 months later because another year went by in “STUCK IN RANK SYNDROME”. Sound familiar? Not achieving these goals year after year leads to the worst thing possible … giving up. It starts with “ugh, I’ll never reach Diamond this year, it’s just not coming together” and leads to “this business doesn’t work for me.” Next up? Letting those dreams slip away and forgetting why you were so convicted to start this incredible business in the first place. I can’t see you take these same steps over and over so friends, I have reached out to someone you may have heard of a few times before and asked her to share some Diamond encrusted