Ask Julie Ryan

Episode 138 – Quieting Mind Chatter



This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, psychic and medical intuitive Julie gets to chat with a lot of callers about a multitude of topics. A woman from the Bronx asks Julie if she is mentally ill or just stressed because her mind never seems to shut off the constant chatter going on in her head. Julie answers with easy remedies that will help her calm her mind. A caller asks Julie to scan her to find out why she does not seem to be able to lose weight. Julie pinpoints the cause and makes suggestions that can help. Another caller wants to know what Phase of Transition her dying father is in and a woman from FL asks Julie to scan her traveling husband to learn why he feels so poorly. Other callers ask questions about selling a family business, selling a home, visiting elderly relatives abroad, and whether a job offer is forthcoming. Lastly, a caller asks Julie to scan a house to see if it is haunted. Her answers correlate with what is known about the history of the home. As usual, Julie provides lots of suggesti