Loose Joints

Loose Joints Podcast #4: Aisling Rogerson (The Fumbally)



After a month's hiatus hampered by illness and cancellations, Loose Joints is back. The new hosted by Nialler9 and Sally Cinnamon talking to people about the music they love: old and new. On this episode, Aisling Rogerson, cofounder behind what I'd consider the best café in Dublin joins us. The Fumbally started a few years ago as a humble café in a post-recession space and it's only grown to incorporate Wednesday night dinners, occasional events and the Fumbally Stables next door where they host workshops, yoga, dinners, events and talks. Listen in as we pick some new music from all three of us and ask Aisling to pick out some special considerations. Inevitably, the chat turns to Simply Red once more. Subscribe in iTunes. Also available in Stitcher, PocketCasts and TuneIn. Download: Loose Joints Podcast #4: Aisling Rogerson (99MB, 1hr 35mins) Tracklisting New Music Pick: Sally: Sinkane - U'huh New Music Pick: Aisling: Mikael Seifu - How To Save A Life (Vector of Eternity) New Music Pick: