Lane Kawaoka

143 - Interview - Designing your Life with Daniel Goodenough


Synopsis Daniel Goodenough is the author of the recently released book of fiction, The Caravan of Remembering, A Roadmap for Experiencing the Awakening of Your Life’s Mission. He has been a professional musician, research scientist, and graphic designer. In the past 30 years, he has taught thousands of students through The Way of the Heart program to discover their authentic life’s path, and to walk that path in the world. Recently, he has been consulting with companies to help them do business differently, responding to the today’s changing business environment with mindfulness, integrity, and heart. Trapped in his life as a designer in Chicago that is both meaningless and safe, David hears a call he can’t resist to enter Caravan, a timeless, mystical world where he travels with mentors and other seekers to find his life’s meaning. Tools for the journey, including journaling and immersion in life’s story, are embedded in this rich tale, grounded in the author’s 30 years of worki