Atma Prema Dialogues

001: Conversations on Self-Love with Angel Jacob & Mawi De Ocampo



Self-love is very hot topic in our world today and it's most likely because a lot of people have been living with regrets, shame and fear. You may see that often we are taught to love our neighbors but we weren't really taught how to love ourselves. Anxiety and depression is at its highest rate these days and the act of respecting and honoring yourself is the only way we can turn the tables upside down and live in harmony. Self-love is a very sensitive topic to many but it is what we need as a community and living citizens. We tend to forget about ourselves in most cases and we end up hurting other people as a result of our unresolved grief and anger. On today's episode, we have the very beautiful Angel Jacob and Mawi De Ocampo who exemplifies deep love within themselves. Though not many people may see the "behind-the-scenes" of what made them who they are today, they were able to withstand the pains and struggles of life using self-love as a platform. This pilot episode is a very special one because it allow