The Expand Your Awareness Podcast With Aaron Doughty

#6: The Law of Attraction and the Purple Cow: Why Being Different will Help You Attract What You Want



Today, we're going to be looking at is a new idea, something that I thought about before and it's a pattern that I've seen in a lot of people that really stand out with either becoming very successful or people that stand out in general and its just kind of like you can't ignore that person because they really are. Even though they're different, it's like something about them. To join the Reality Transufing Academy click here This is going to be something that also relates to the Law of Attraction, a very powerful way and I'm going to correlate it with understanding something that are called pendulums with a process called Reality Transurfing. We're going to see how to transcend a lot of social conditioning as well. In general, just to give this a little bit of a of a backstory in a way or how I came across this, the term purple cow as a term from Seth Godin, who is an author and it's a book and it would, it talks about is when you're on or driving,