The Expand Your Awareness Podcast With Aaron Doughty

#3: The Mindset of A MASTER Manifester (Competition and the Law of Attraction)



Today I will share with you how we can create and become what is called a master manifester. It's going to be talking about the mindset of what it takes to become somebody that is able to create what they want in their life and really to kind of like being a winner in life in general. To follow me on instagram click here Now, this doesn't have to be a winner like everyone else loses. Maybe I'll talk a little bit about something that's with them that comes to competition and the law of attraction. But this was actually something that's inspired because I'm currently in Sedona and I'm with my buddy, Victor Oddo who many of you guys know and were last night while we were doing as we went for a hike yesterday we went ate at this great restaurant and then we had an Asai bowl we will get our sables to come to these epic ensembles here in Sedona and we got that. And then what we did is we went to the hotel we have has a Sonho in the sauna. Then after that, we went and we had a couple of hours before it's time to