Everything Hertz

78: Large-scale collaborative science (with Lisa DeBruine)



In this episde, we chat with Lisa DeBruine (University of Glasgow) about her experience with large-scale collaborative science and how her psychology department made the switch from SPSS to R. Discussion points and links galore: Deborah Apthorp's tweet on having to teach SPSS (https://twitter.com/deborahapthorp/status/1092599860212068352), "because that's what students know" People who are involved with teaching R for psychology at the University of Glasgow: @Eavanmac @dalejbarr @McAleerP @clelandwoods @PatersonHelena @emilynordmann Why the #psyTeachR started teaching R for reproducible science Data wrangling vs. statistical analysis The psyTeachR website (https://psyteachr.github.io) Danielle Navarro (https://djnavarro.net), and her R text book (https://learningstatisticswithr.com) that you should read Lisa's "faux" package (https://github.com/debruine/faux) for data simulation Sometimes you can't share data, simulations are a good way around this problem "synthpop" is the name of the package (https://cran.r