Worldbuilder's Anvil

Episode 267 Jeff is no longer a worldbuilder



Today's Topic Worldbuilder has lost its meaning. Maybe I should stop looking through worldbuilding sites online. I see so many people get stuck on worldbuilding. More to the point, I see people who call themselves worldbuilders get stuck on what it means to make your world realistic.  I personally have had it. I cannot consider myself a worldbuilder any more. I create fictional fantasy settings. Join a shocked Michael as the talks to Jeff giving up on the worldbuilder moniker. Please Subscribe, Rate and Review us on iTunes For complete Fantasy Worldbuilding, show notes go to Podcast Show flow Yes I will still use worldbuilding skills What has a worldbuilder become to mean? The problem What we should be doing? Brainstorm a better name than worldbuilder Worldbuilding Task Look at your plans, do you have the skills to achieve everything Real world task Join the Facebook undercroft group and tell me what I should call myself! Michael's Resources Use when shopping online to help su