Done With Dara Katz And Betsy Kenney

Room Temperature Water, Outlets, Community Theater Shakespeare (w/ Jo Firestone)



Jo Firestone (Joe Pera Talks with You, Dr. Gameshow) joins Dara and Betsy to talk about the three things she is DONE with: Room temperature water in restaurants, outlets, and community theater productions of Shakespeare (plus a bonus done: alternative pickles). Judge Caitlin Brodnick (Dangerous Boobies) steps in to decide what thing Jo must be DONE with forever. If you want more Dara and Betsy you can see them perform their live show "Everybody Hates Us (But Not Tonight, Baby!)" Friday 8/10, 8pm at The Mockingbird Theater in NYC! Follow @DonePod on Twitter today! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE/RATE US on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts.DONE is a Forever Dog Podcast