Crit Sandwich

Crit Sandwich: A DnD Podcast C03-E08



The gang tries to sound the alarm. Crit Sandwich is where 4 friends play 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons with randomly rolled settings and plots. We use adult language, inconsistent character voices, edit lightly for brevity (and to make us look super fast at math). And, of course, we will screw up the rules. Campaign 3 Cast: Casey Sears as Nick (fire genasi/evocation wizard) Matt Popich as Shah (half elf/college of whispers bard) Chuck Ventus as Nate (water genasi/way of four elements monk) Robbie Ponder as the DM  New podcast episodes come out on the first and third Monday of each month. Theme and music thanks to Enjoy Crit Sandwich: the world's tastiest DnD podcast